The Great Bend of the Gila: Contemporary Native American Connections to an Ancestral Landscape (TR2016-101) (Hardcopy)

The Great Bend of the Gila: Contemporary Native American Connections to an Ancestral Landscape (TR2016-101)

By: Aaron M. Wright and Maren P. Hopkins

255 pages

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SKU: TR2016-101P Category:


The Great Bend of the Gila: Contemporary Native American Connections to an Ancestral Landscape (TR2016-101)

In August 2016, Archaeology Southwest released a second study that shares the histories and attitudes that associated Tribal communities hold toward the cultural landscapes of the Great Bend. Tribal communities affirm their connections to these landscapes and their commitments to participating in management and interpretation.

Print publication was generously sponsored by The Smith Family Trust Fund for Site Protection, and in loving memory of William T. Lawrence.

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