(May 9, 2017)—Archaeology Southwest is pleased to share the news that former Preservation Fellow and current postdoctoral researcher Lewis Borck will be joining the Faculty of Archaeology at Universiteit Leiden in the Netherlands as a Lecturer/Researcher in September 2017.
“This is an amazing opportunity to join one of the top ten archaeology degree granting programs worldwide, continue my research in the Greater American Southwest and the Caribbean, and teach top-notch international archaeology students about North American and Southwestern archaeology,” Lewis said.
All of us at Archaeology Southwest will miss Lewis and his family dearly, and we wish him all the best. Fortunately for us, he’ll be returning to the Southwest during summers to conduct fieldwork in the Gallina region of the Greater Southwest, where he will investigate how cultural landscapes act as social and political histories. Contingent on funding, he’ll also be returning to the southern Southwest in January 2019 to start remote sensing and mapping fieldwork. You can follow along with his research at his blog, on his Facebook page, and at the Tatted Trowel on Twitter and Instagram.

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