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- Southwest Archaeology Today for September 14, 2009
Southwestern Archaeology Making the News – A Service of the Center for Southwestern Archaeology
– University of Arizona Researchers Awarded Grant to Study Early Hopi – Spanish Relations: UA anthropology professor Thomas E. Sheridan has received a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities to lead a team that is collecting Hopi oral histories about their ancestors’ early counters with Spaniards.
– Obama Administration Publishes Paper on Tribal Consultation and Tribal Sovereignty: Two of President Obama’s key campaign commitments to Indian country were that he would meet with tribal leaders on an annual basis, and that his Administration would respect the Nation-to-Nation relationship with Indian tribal governments. Recently, the White House Domestic Policy Council sent an invitation to tribal leaders for two listening sessions on August 31, 2009 in Washington, DC. The purpose of the sessions is to bring together tribal leaders and White House staff, led by Senior Policy Advisor for Native American Affairs Kimberly Teehee, to engage in an informal dialogue on the process of tribal consultation. These meetings are intended to prepare the Obama Administration to address Tribal Consultation and the Nation-to-Nation relationship.
http://www.cdarc.org/page/19jl – NCAI.org
– United States Department of the Interior Formally Approves Peter L. Steere as the Tohono O’odham Tribal Historic Preservation Officer.
– Archaeologist Explore Ancient Clovis Shoreline: In one of the more dramatic moments of an underwater archaeological survey co-led by Mercyhurst College archaeologist James Adovasio along Florida’s Gulf Coast this summer, Andy Hemmings stood on an inundated river’s edge where man hasn’t set foot in more than 13,000 years. Donning full scuba gear, Hemmings stood in 130 feet of water on a peninsula at the intersection of two ancient rivers nearly 100 miles offshore from Tampa. The last time humans could have stood in that spot, mammoth and mastodon roamed the terrain.
– Archaeology Day at Casa Malpais: The Casa Malpais Archaeological Park in Springerville Arizona is holding archaeology day festivities on Saturday, September 19, from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. The ancient village of Casa Malpais is open to guided tours and features some of the most unique archaeological features in the region. Archaeology Day includes Zuni and other craft vendors, and a number of free lectures. Tours of the pueblo by will be offered at 9:00 am, 11:00 am and 2:00 pm. Tour fees are $8 adult, $6 seniors and $5 for children. Tour reservations are requested by calling 928-333-5375.
-“Rock Art 2009” to be held at the San Diego Museum of Man: The San Diego Museum of Man is pleased to announce Rock Art 2009, our 34th Annual Rock Art Symposium, scheduled for Saturday, November 7, 2009. This day-long event offers participants the opportunity to share in the results of rock art research around the globe, presented in slide-illustrated lectures. Registration is $40 for students and Museum members, $50 for general admission, including a commemorative ceramic mug. Visit the Rock Art 2009 website for full information and links to the Registration Form.
– Edge of the Cedars Museum Publishes Collections Guide: State agencies don’t often publish full color books of the quality of the new publication Edge of the Cedar State Park Museum Collections, which is now available from the Blanding museum or from the Division of Parks and Recreation. The paperback book sells for $29.95 and includes photos the museum’s extensive collection of ancestral Puebloan artifacts which have been gathered from around the Four Corners area.
– Deadline Extended to October 1st for Native American Scholarships: In 2008, the Department of Anthropology at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science began a series of programs designed to enhance Native American youth and young adult participation in science. Through the generous support of our donors, last year we offered a Native American Science Career Day for indigenous middle school students, and in 2009 we expanded that offering to a larger number of students with a larger number of mentors present. In 2008, we offered five $1,000 Native American Science Scholarships to college-bound high school seniors and continuing college and graduate students. In 2009, we again have five $1,000 scholarships to offer, but we have a small problem-we did not receive enough complete applications from qualified students by yesterday’s September 1 application deadline to award the full allotment of scholarships for which we already have funding in hand!
– El Malapis National Monument Offers Hike to Seldom Seen Petroglyphs: Enjoy archaeology at the Cretaceous outcrops amid the Fall plants & migrating birds in the Cebolla wilderness. Hike 3 miles round trip to a seldom visited archaeological site, Aldridge Petroglyphs, from 10:00 AM to 2:30 PM on Saturday, September 19th (300 ft elevation rise). Discover how the ancestors lived vs. how we live. Explore clues on their views of the heavens, culture and politics, along with their building and food. Bring at least 2 quarts of water and protection from sun and weather. Options: binoculars for the views and the migrating birds; hiking poles for the steeper parts; & camera for the views and the amazing rock art.
– Traveling Exhibit Available For Booking: “Pieces of the Puzzle: New Perspectives on the Hohokam.” Created by Pueblo Grande Museum and the Center for Desert Archaeology, this traveling exhibit focuses on recent archaeological findings regarding population movement and decline in the American Southwest prior to the mid-1500s. The exhibit is based upon National Science Foundation-funded research that allowed archaeologists at the Center for Desert Archaeology to investigate the role of long distance migration and aggregation in precontact population decline. The traveling version of this exhibit consists of 26 flat panels and two computer stations. The exhibit requires approximately 150 linear feet of space. NO RENTAL FEE. Facilities interested in displaying the exhibit will be responsible for shipping and insurance costs. Contact Linda Pierce, Programs Manager, Center for Desert Archaeology, at lpierce@cdarc.org for more information.
– National Park Service Volunteers at Rocky Mountain National Park on the Sept 26th “Day of Service” Will be Treated to a Sneak Preview of “America’s Best Idea:” Volunteers will build a new trail along the Continental Divide in the western side of the park. Throughout the day and across the park, a special sneak peak of The National Parks: America’s Best Idea will be viewed. Beginning at 6pm, Rocky Mountain PBS and Etown.org will celebrate Ken Burns and his new documentary at Chautauqua Auditorium in Boulder. Local musicians will play music from the film and a special preview screening will be offered.
– The Border Project: Deep in the heart of the Tohono O’odham Nation in southern Arizona, an exhibition created by students from the tribe as well as Anglo and Hispanic students from the United States and Mexico is challenging how many Americans view the U.S.-Mexico border. The Border Project is a mixed-media art installation highlighting the perspectives of high school students living along the borders of Arizona, Mexico, the Tohono O’odham Indian Reservation and the town of Ajo. This exhibit is the result of the students sharing their views through artistic expression and will be on display Sept. 11 – Nov. 6 at the Arizona State Museum, University of Arizona, Tucson.
– Tempe Canal Park to Feature Interpretation of Hohokam Irrigation: LED light columns, varying in height up to 10 feet, will illuminate every intersection and park connection along the trail, Iwersen said. “They’ll work as kind of a way-finder for people looking for the Western Canal,” he said. A graphic explaining the importance of water and electricity in the area will sit at the base of each pillar. Decorative plaques and changes in concrete texture will indicate sites of prehistoric Hohokam settlements and canal systems, Iwersen said.
– Travelogue, Visiting Wupatki National Monument: It’s mid-afternoon on a hot summer day, and ranger Chuck Sypher is talking about farming. Volunteers at this park northeast of Flagstaff have planted a garden, Sypher says, to see how Pueblo farmers made a go of it in this bare, windswept country that, in some years, gets less rain than Phoenix does. It doesn’t look much like farm country. The terrain is dry and rocky, with vast stretches of saltbush and broom snakeweed growing in the shadow of a volcanic mountain range.
http://www.cdarc.org/page/a2v6 – Arizona Republic
– Travelogue, Mesa Verde, One of the Most Beautiful National Parks in the United States: The first time a white man set eyes on the extraordinary ancient cliff dwellings dug into the canyons of Mesa Verde in south-western Colorado, a local Ute Indian chief warned him to back off before it was too late. “When you disturb the spirits of the dead, you die too,” he warned. This was in 1888, and the white man was Richard Wetherill, a Quaker rancher whose family had already proved it was bold enough to tend cattle right up to the boundaries of the Ute tribes, even though the Utes were furious at the preceding generation of settlers and troops who had encroached on their lands, attacked and uprooted them.
http://www.cdarc.org/page/abuv – Daily Telegraph
– Employment Opportunity – Navy Cultural Resources Manager: The title is “Supervisory
Interdisciplinary (Acquisition). The Announcement # is NW9-01XX-03-K1460020-HQ. The Closing Date is 17 September. This is a YC-0170/0190/0193-3 position here at NAVFAC HQ.
Thanks to Carrie Gregory and Gerald Kelso for contributions to today’s newsletter.
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