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- Southwest Archaeology Today for January 11, 2007
Southwestern Archaeology Making the News – A Service of the Center for Desert Archaeology
– “Hands on History” Celebrated at the SHA Meetings in Albuquerque: Join in on an afternoon of fun, interesting, and educational activities during Hands on History! Learn about historical and underwater archaeology with experts from throughout the United States. Participate in the archaeology lab, try on dive gear, see how corn husk dolls were made, sort artifacts, record rock art, and visit the Van of Enchantment, New Mexico’s museum on wheels. Learn how you can become involved in the archaeology and history of New Mexico! Hands on History. Sponsored by the Society for Historical and Underwater Archaeology. Saturday, January 12, 2008. 1:00 p.m.-4:30 p.m. in the Grand Pavilion Rooms at the Hyatt Regency Albuquerque. 330 Tijeras NW Albuquerque, NM 87102. The event is free and open to the public! For more information, contact: Carol Ellick, SRI Foundation, (505) 892-5587.
– White House Pueblo and San Xavier del Bac Join List of Arizona’s Architectural Wonders: The winners straddled the architectural spectrum, including Hoover Dam on the Colorado River, the 1,200-year-old White House Anasazi pueblo in Canyon de Chelly, Kierland Commons, an upscale commercial and residential project in Scottsdale, and the Spanish colonial San Xavier del Bac Mission near Tucson.
– Peoria School District Advised to Find Ways to Save Historic “Old Main:” The Peoria Unified school board should keep trying to find practical uses for the 1922-vintage Old Main building at Peoria High School, an official of the Arizona State Historic Preservation Office told the board Tuesday . “The idea is to keep it in productive use,” said the official, James Garrison. Outside funds may be available to preserve the building, he said.
– Historic Structure in Southern Arizona in Jeopardy: A local landmark – part of a Southern Arizona community – is in danger. Preservationists have wanted to save the old post office in Vail for a while. But some recent events have put the historic building in jeopardy. “That whole corner is gone. It just flipped up and folded on itself,” says J.J. Lamb with the Vail Preservation Society.
– Hubble Trading Post Thieves Plead Guilty: A 45-year-old man wanted for stealing more than $200,000 worth of Navajo rugs and other Native American artifacts, and arrested July 14, 2007, near Jumbo Reservoir, pled guilty to the charges in federal court last week.
http://www.cdarc.org/page/7cmd – Sterling Journal Advocate
– Tour Opportunity: Archaeology and Peoples of Sonora, Mexico. On this fascinating Crow Canyon travel adventure, explore the remarkable natural landscape of Sonora-its parched desert, jagged mountains, broad basins, and stunning coastlines-and study the diversity and complexity of culture and ecology in the region. Visit a spectacular and newly researched ancient trincheras site and examine fascinating rock art panels on private land. Delve into the living culture of Sonora peoples-Mayo, Seri, and Yaqui-and learn about their arts and crafts as you enjoy home visits and local cooking. Observe long-standing traditions as you attend ceremonies during Semana Santa-the holy week preceding Easter-one of the defining celebrations for Mexican culture! Feast and celebrate as the culture of this magical region comes to life!
– Cultural Resource Certification Class Available Online: This Cultural Resource Management (CRM) and the Laws on-line course explores the historic context of federal historic preservation/CRM legislation and regulations (especially, the umbrella laws under The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the Archaeological Resource Protection Act (ARPA), Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), and the Executive Orders), the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), Native American concerns and traditional cultural properties, cultural resources and the world wide web, and State CRM laws and regulations. The overall goal is to train students in the laws pertaining to Cultural Resources so that they may have a better foundation to build their Cul tural Resource Protection Program in their communities.
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