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- Southwest Archaeology Today for Jan 26, 2007
Archaeology Making the News – A Service of the Center for Desert Archaeology
– Tolleson City Library Exhibits a Collection of Ancient Southwestern Pots: It’s a tiny city library with a connection to Arizona’s ancient past. The 200 pots that line the Tolleson Public Library shelves are old. They hold four-digit birthdays. Really. The library’s collection of elegant prehistoric American Indian pottery seems out of place. They are perched above library shelves and flat-screen monitors. Others are displayed in glass cases three steps away from stacks of Vanity Fair and Redbook magazines.
http://www.cdarc.org/page/ao7w – Arizona Republic
– Libel Charges Stand in Case Involving the Destruction of Hohokam Sites: The Arizona Court of Appeals refused a request by state Attorney General Terry Goddard to throw out a libel lawsuit filed against him by developer George Johnson. The divided court rejected Goddard’s contention that he has absolute immunity for what he said about Johnson in a news release issued at the same time the civil lawsuit was filed. In the lawsuit filed two years ago, Goddard’s office, representing the state Department of Environmental Quality, accused Johnson of illegally using state and private land. He and his companies are charged with destroying Hohokam sites dating to A.D. 750 and killing more than 40,000 protected native plans including saguaro and ironwood on state trust lands.
– Survey of Asian-American Historic Properties in Phoenix Near Completion: After more than six months of combing city records, gathering oral histories and digging through archives of family photographs, the city’s Asian-American Historic Property Survey is nearly complete.
http://www.cdarc.org/page/i06r – Arizona Republic
– Peoria’s Site Steward Program Begins Site Monitoring: Peoria’s own volunteer steward program is up and running with volunteers monitoring a historical Hohokam site. The program comes about seven months after the city severed an agreement with Arizona State Parks to provide trained volunteers to prevent vandalism. Both sides hit an impasse on liability issues.
– Lecture on Ice Age Europe to be Held at CU-Boulder: University of California, Berkeley anthropologist Margaret Conkey, one of the world’s leading authorities on Stone Age art and artifacts from ice age Europe, will give a lecture at the University of Colorado at Boulder on Saturday, Feb. 3. The presentation by Conkey, who directs the Archaeological Research Facility at UC Berkeley, will include a short video and slides, including images of remarkable cave paintings from France dating back as far as 32,000 years that depict rhinos, bears, lions and horses. The CU-Boulder anthropology department’s 12th annual Distinguished Archaeology Lecture featuring Conkey is free and open to the public.
– Employment Opportunity (Washington DC): The U.S. Department of Defense is searching for qualified candidates to serve as the Senior Tribal Liaison. The Job Description is attached. The position is located in Washington, DC and will be filled through the Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA) Mobility Program. This is a non-Federal position ideally filled by a Native American through an IPA relationship with a Federally recognized Tribe or tribal consortia. If you are interested in this position, please mail a letter of interest and resume to: Patricia Ferrebee, 3400 Defense Pentagon, Room 3E791. Washington, DC 20301-3400
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