Petrologic Analysis of Sand and Sherd Samples for the San Simon Archaeological Project (TR1994-12) (PDF)

Petrologic Analysis of Sand and Sherd Samples for the San Simon Archaeological Project (TR1994-12) (PDF)

By Michael K. Wiley, Elizabeth Miksa

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Petrologic Analysis of Sand and Sherd Samples for the San Simon Archaeological Project (TR1994-12) (PDF)

Dr. Pa~da Gilman, dfrector of the San Simon Archaeological Project, collected sand and sherd samples from four late Archaic site excavations with ASM site designations located in the ~~itlock valley (Fignre 1). The purpose of her collection was to examine the relative degree of sedentism and mobility associated with pit structures in the prehistoric Southwest. In February of 1994, the collection was assembled for petrologic analysis. Twentythree sherd and two sand samples Were submitted to Elizabeth Miksa of Desert Archaeology, Inc., Tucson, AZ, for petrological analysis. The goal of this analysis was to determine the composition of local versus nonlocal ceramic temper by comparing the temper in the submitted sherd samples to that of the collected sands and to geologic maps. The temper types present in the wares are also compared by groups in order to ascertain which wares could have been produced locally, or if certain wares were being transported or traded into the area.