Project | Site (ASM) | Primary Feature | Assigned Dating | Cemetery | Burial Type | Primary Burial Type | Cremated? | Minimum Number of Individuals | Maximum Length (m) | MaximumWidth (m) | Depth (m) | Pit Plan-View Shape | Pit Long Axis Orientation | Associated Postholes | Alcove | Floor Pit | End of Feature for Alcove or Pit | Alcove/Floor Pit Notes | Comments | Associated Artifacts | Age (years) | Sex | Body Position | Head Alignment | Cremated Bone Weight (gm) | Bone Weight Reliable | Location of Non-gathered Bone Within Crematoria and Primary Cremation Pits | Does Primary Cremation or Crematorium have Intact Fill? | Cremated Bone Added to Crematorium or Primary Cremation | Cremains/ Artifacts Added to Middle or Upper Fill of Primary Cremation or Crematoria | Fill Notes for Crematoria and Primary Cremations | Distribution of Bone and Ash | Bone in RV | Bone under RV |
Project | Site (ASM) | Primary Feature | Assigned Dating | Cemetery | Burial Type | Primary Burial Type | Cremated? | Minimum Number of Individuals | Maximum Length (m) | MaximumWidth (m) | Depth (m) | Pit Plan-View Shape | Pit Long Axis Orientation | Associated Postholes | Alcove | Floor Pit | End of Feature for Alcove or Pit | Alcove/Floor Pit Notes | Comments | Associated Artifacts | Age (years) | Sex | Body Position | Head Alignment | Cremated Bone Weight (gm) | Bone Weight Reliable | Location of Non-gathered Bone Within Crematoria and Primary Cremation Pits | Does Primary Cremation or Crematorium have Intact Fill? | Cremated Bone Added to Crematorium or Primary Cremation | Cremains/ Artifacts Added to Middle or Upper Fill of Primary Cremation or Crematoria | Fill Notes for Crematoria and Primary Cremations | Distribution of Bone and Ash | Bone in RV | Bone under RV |